Monday, 29 August 2011

Live to Eat....

Andrew is sitting next to me with a blanket and a bucket nursing a massive hangover! It is the biggest one yet he said. It is August Bank holiday and although it is almost over but thank god for today for I don't think he will make it to work. We invited a few of our  friends to come over for Sunday lunch. We spent Saturday shopping for the right ingredients. Great opportunity to go shopping for goodies. I have to say 80% of what we bought has nothing to do with the lunch. 

First stop, Farrington's Farmshop I have been there once and always liked the way the farmshop is laid out and its white and black branding. I didn't know what I want but in my shopping basket was tiramisu (for me of course, my favourite dessert), mutton chops, lamb sweetbreads, celeriac, potatoes and raspberry wine! I can't really make a meal out of what we bought, it is more like I really like that, I really like this, in it goes into the basket! Buy buy buy dahliiiing....

Next stop, Banthon Oriental Supermarket in Weston. Normally I get my ingredients from Wai Yee Hong in Bristol but I didn't want to go too far. I needed some dried cuttlefish for my steamed pork balls but they didn't have it but I didn't manage to walk out of there empty handed! We bought something totally non related to the lunch! Andrew suggested we tried the Oriental shop in town at the bottom of Thai Balcony. Andrew dropped me off near Kitchen Shop as we needed some bin bags! He then parked up (totally not the plan) as he spotted a food market in Queens Sq. We had half an hour, no harm in checking out the market! Well portion of paella, an ice coffee and £20 worth of French charcuterie (I went back for more today!) we thought we better go home before we bankrupt ourselves! 

See..they are distracting aren't they?! Coming back to the lunch, I finally got all the ingredients together and I made the following for Sunday lunch. 

Steam pork balls with homemade chilli and ginger sauce
Deep fried 'belacan' chicken wings
Laksa Lemak
Flourless chocolate cake

We started our lunch at 3pm, I must point out there were only 5 of us! 6 bottles of bubbly, 4 bottles of wine, countless mojitos, espresso martinis and midori sours later, Andrew fell down the stairs with a loud thud that we decided that we should stop drinking and go to bed. We also came to a startling conclusion that we do not eat to live, we work to live and we live to eat! 

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