Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Creme caramel obsession

I have been very busy. May seemed to fly by with our private hen do and running around town to get to Alexa's classes. We started baby sensory and a week doesn't seem to be enough anymore. I used to dread not knowing what to do with a newborn baby without going to work, now I am busier than ever! We have been eating out of the freezer (all hail the freezer) and getting takeaways as I have also started to wean Alexa. That girl is an eating machine. I am really pleased that she seems to be very interested in food and I enjoy making her different concoctions. At one point she was eating carrots and prunes and I was impressed she finished it. We have moved on from that now. Today she had steamed salmon, peas and congee (rice porridge flavoured with stock and cooked until the rice breaks down). Alexa has a 2 course meal every lunch and dinner so you can imagine that's keeping me busy. Armed with a blender, fresh fruit and vegetables and an ice cube tray I spent the last two weeks creating frozen, balanced meals. I now have 3 separate groups of food which consist of the carbs, the veg and the fruit. Yes I have been busy! So hubby and I decided to go on a date last Friday for sushi and Iron Man 3 and I must say it didn't feel strange at all. In fact it felt really nice to know that our little girl was sleeping soundly and in safe hands of our very kind friend Nicola who offered to babysit.

But the weekend didn't stop there.  We decided to cook a 3 course meal for our friend Corinne's birthday. She has given me some lovely cookbooks which I promised to cook from. I also thought that given my current creme caramel obsession, I could use this opportunity to perfect it. Ever since I tasted the creme caramel in Cote, I am hooked. I am now obsessed in making the perfect one. I have tried making it with just milk and half milk, half cream. They are just not quite perfect yet. I am embarking on making them with condensed milk next and less cream. To be continued...

So on the weekend we went a bit wild on the food side of things after 2 weeks of eating out of the freezer starting with breakfast at Bill's. I had a bubble and squeak with ham and eggs with hollandaise sauce and Andrew had eggs benedict. Thoroughly recommended by the way. Later that afternoon not long after breakfast, we had the following washed down with chilled Prosecco.

Sweet potato gnocchi with homegrown sage and brown butter

Roast local pork, crackling, stir fry pak choi, spinach and spring onions, roasted root vegetable mash with garlic and chillies emulsion

Nearly perfect creme caramel with pouring cream

Alexa trying my creme caramel

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